Saving and Investments

Reach your financial (and life) goals, increase your prosperity and build a better future.

Saving and Investments

Reach your financial (and life) goals, increase your prosperity and build a better future.

You can maximise your financial potential with our diverse range of savings and investment services, all of which can be customised to suit your needs.

Below are a range of financial options that we can advise you on:

  • Guaranteed Investment Bonds: These structured deposit products guarantee your capital after a fixed period, typically three to five years. The returns you receive are directly linked to the performance of market indices and are suitable options for those looking to achieve superior investment returns whilst ensuring your capital is 100% guaranteed.

  • Unitised Funds: Also known as Managed Funds, these are suitable for individuals willing to take on a higher level of risk for potentially higher returns. These funds invest in equities, government or and corporate bonds, property, cash deposits, alternatives like commodities or currencies, and environmentally friendly and sustainable projects.

  • Savings: Cultivate a habit of regular savings, a wise approach to building a safety net for unexpected expenses, children’s education, or going on your dream holiday. Whatever your attitude to investment risk, we can tailor make a savings plan specific to your needs.

  • Property Investment and Portfolios: Despite the property market fluctuations in recent years, there are and will always be opportunities to invest in select property. Investments in retail, commercial, residential, and property syndicates present compelling value propositions.

  • Shares (Equities): Investing in equities requires advice and an understanding of market fluctuations and volatility.

Wherever you are in life and whatever your financial aspirations are, we can help you every step of the way.